The Kindred Tree teaches loving and open communication, transforming relationships and enhancing areas like career and health.
We provide a safe, nurturing environment so you feel comfortable.
We work with you 1:1 to help you gain confidence and clarity to step out and be your true, authentic self. We get you motivated to achieve that goal you’ve been aiming for.
We give you homework and activities to complete to complement and reinforce your learning.
Our services feature a blend of New Age methods and strategies that encompass various approaches, including psychic therapies, sound frequencies, energy attunements, light codes, and shadow work. These techniques have been shown to work quickly and effectively on the mind, body, and soul.
Clients have experienced a feeling of lightness and relaxation within the body during the very first session!
Clients have reported improvements in their skin, relief from body pain, reduced night terrors, weight loss, financial gains, better relationships, securing their dream job, and finding a sense of inner peace and calm.
‘Maria - I was seeing a psychologist for 18 years, and she couldn’t believe the change in me just after my first session with Karina.
We also offer powerful relationship strategies from our 5 Pillars to Reconnection program where you learn to re-frame your thoughts, challenge your thinking, and gain new perspectives that will lead to an enhanced and enriched life and provide you with tools to give you the best possible chance to reconnect with your loved one.
You will embark on a colorful inner journey of self-discovery.
People wil ask:
“What’s different about you? Why are you acting so calm? How do you look younger?”
Like other clients, you too could experience more abundance in the form of;
people, situations, money, health.
By learning how to overcome painful experiences and past hurts, you will be well on your way to limitless possibilities.
Your heart opening back up to love.
Saying goodbye to what no longer serves you.
Feel a sense of felt joy.
Experience a newfound confidence.
Embark on new career path with career coaching.
Start drawing again.
Surround yourself in nature.
You will learn to release the emotional clutter. By “emotional clutter” we mean all those repressed, suppressed and unexpressed emotions, as well as beliefs that keep you stuck in a place that may no longer reflect who you are or what you are capable of achieving. This journey will lead you to
peace, harmony and balance.

‘ everyone noticed a huge change in me, as well as my partner and my family. I have become more patient, loving and understanding. Before I came across The Kindred Tree I was a mess, now I have hope.
— Maria, Melbourne AUS
‘ The Kindred Tree gave me perspective on my mother and father and their relationship and how it had impacted me as a child, and gave me strategies to move forward and find peace.
— Sarah, Tennessee USA
‘ I’m feeling different….
a better and stronger person.
Thanks a lot for all the support, kind words and encouragement. God bless you always.
— Dr. Sabaa, Dubai UAE
‘ Karina has a warmth and optimism
that shines from within. She is intuitive, compassionate, caring and a great listener.
— Alice, Tasmania AUS