Our Story
The Kindred Tree was established in 2022 after developing the Five Pillars to Reconnection program by Karina Banks, professional relationship and energy practitioner mentor.
I went through a dark period in my life after experiencing workplace bullying, a relationship breakdown, and the death of my foster mother. I struggled to be a parent and found it difficult to get out of bed. I had a hard time liking myself and felt unworthy of love. I sought medical and psychological help, but nothing fixed me. Everything I tried felt like a temporary fix; as soon as I removed the band-aid, another sore would appear. I was angry and defensive. But underneath it all I felt pain and sadness. I acted out, I did things I was ashamed of. Eventually, I fell into depression, which was masked by antidepressants. I tried to put on a brave face for my friends and family, but inside, the pain I was experiencing was sometimes unbearable. My health deteriorated, and blood tests revealed concerning results. I felt lethargic and wanted to sleep all the time. I also started experiencing excruciating neck and shoulder pain that forced me to take long periods off work.
The inspiration I needed for change and to turn my life around came after a transformative taxi ride with a man named Patrik one night in 2018. Eyes white shining in the dark as he drove around the corner, I was instantly drawn to get into Patrik’s taxi. He was from Africa, and for some reason that night I felt compelled to strike up a conversation with him. I asked Patrik what it was like to live in Africa. Little did I know this conversation would become the catalyst for me to embark on a healing journey. Patrik opened up my mind, it was like he was speaking directly to my soul. He asked me what perfection meant to me, and I responded, “It means to be the best at something.” He replied, “Wrong! It means the end.” Confused, I asked, “What do you mean, the end?” As he explained, it began to click for me. Perfectionism implies that there is no room for improvement or growth; it does mean the end. So who wants that? I had always been a perfectionist!
Patrik also spoke to me about energy, and our bodies made of energy - what we put out is what we attract back. Suddenly, I was shown a memory of me as a child briefly catching a glimpse of a TV show that was hosted by Oprah where they were talking about the power of positive energy exchange. I remember standing there, curious by it all. I knew in that moment sitting in Patrik’s taxi that somehow this was a sign from the Universe that I could not ignore! I felt compelled to learn everything I could. This led me on the path to deep spiritual healing where I enlisted the help and support of a spiritual mentor and teacher. Through my healing journey I recalled my childhood growing up on a dairy farm on the North West Coast of Tasmania. Suddenly, memories of certain childhood events, feelings, and realisations began to flood back. Life started to make sense. All the pieces began to fit together.
I remembered as a child that I had felt a deep connection within my soul to nature and animals. Images flashed before my eyes of me playing under the trees and sitting for hours with sick cows, willing them to live, get better, and walk again. At night, as I drifted off to sleep, a hazy fog filled with a lime green color would appear. Every night, I looked forward to its arrival because it made me feel safe; I was terrified of the dark.
When I was fifteen months old, I was taken off my birth mother and her then partner at the time with my sister and brother. My sister and I were placed into the same foster family as wards of the state. As I grew up, I lived with a constant fear that social services would take me away. I'm not sure where this fear originated or if it was some sort of intuition. Every day after school, I would come home feeling relieved if I didn’t see the social services car in the driveway. I remember always running and hiding whenever I heard a knock at the door.
On the day before my 10th birthday, my worst fear was realised!
I was ripped out of my foster home for six long months, not knowing if I was ever going home again. I remember the long drive that night, tears all the way. I felt scared, alone, and shocked; it was as if my world had been ripped out from under me. Life as I knew it had changed completely. Suddenly, I found myself living in a city far away from my home, surrounded by people I had never seen before. I had to eat large meals, and I wasn't allowed to leave the table until I finished. I had lots of chores. I had to make my bed a certain way, the corners had to be folded in like an envelope. My sister and I were only allowed to have brief visitations with our foster parents. I often felt as if I had done something wrong; it must have been my fault. I remember thinking that if only I hadn’t fought with my sister so much, things might have been different. If I had just stayed quiet, no one would see me or hear me. I have come to realise that this experience negatively impacted my intimate relationships. I held on to fears and kept myself small, and I tended to push loved ones away before they could hurt me.
Fast forward to May 2023, I woke up feeling an incredible surge of energy coursing through my body. Iridescent electric blue lights appeared in the dark near my bed, twinkling like stars. I reached out with my left hand and touched them. As soon as they were in the palm of my hand, a wavy veil emerged from the head of my bed, extending to the wall on the other side of my bedroom. Instinctively, my left arm slowly descended into the veil. As it did, I wondered what it would feel like, suspecting it might be cold. Instead, it felt as though I was touching warm jelly. I lay there in amazement, my hand suspended in time. Suddenly, I began to sing part of the chorus "You’ve Got Healing Hands" from Conrad Sewell’s song, "Healing Hands." In an instant, the room changed, and everything returned to how it was.
Since then, I’ve been able to channel energy and gain medical insights for both people and animals. My spiritual encounters have increased over time, each one deepening my connection and knowing.
I’ve come to understand this work is my true life’s purpose, my passion and my path. I work as a conduit for divine energy to express through me, and I am truly honoured and blessed and grateful to be of service.
We employ a variety of New Age strategies and psychic wellness therapies. Since it’s conception, The Kindred Tree supports local communities in Tasmania, Australia, and globally.
Our team’s mission is to provide individuals with new age wellness tools and strategies that promote peace, harmony, healing and growth in a nurturing and safe environment.
We value kindness to all humans, animals and nature.
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